
Local Development

If you don't already have a Stripe account, create one now.

For the following steps, make sure you have the "Test Mode" toggle switched on.

Developing Locally

We need to create a webhook in the Developers section of Stripe. This webhook is the piece that connects Stripe to your Vercel Serverless Functions.

Go to the API Keys section on the Developers tab. Copy the Publishable key and Secret key and paste them into your .env.local file as NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY and STRIPE_SECRET_KEY

Click the "Test in local environment" button on the test Endpoints page.

Download the CLI and log in with your Stripe account

stripe login

Forward events to your webhook. In our case, the webhook is in the api/webhooks/stripe endpoint.

stripe listen --forward-to http://localhost:3000/api/webhooks/stripe

This will print out the following. Copy the webhook signing secret and paste it to your .env.local file as STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET:

 Ready! You are using Stripe API Version [2024-06-20]. 
 Your webhook signing secret is whsec_4838c65cc*********************8

Now that we have our stripe webhook secret, we can trigger the events for our supabase server. For now just copy the the environment variables. We will come back to this later.

By now your .env.local file should look like this:

# Get these from Stripe dashboard

Create product and pricing information

Your application's webhook listens for product updates on Stripe and automatically propagates them to your Supabase database. So with your webhook listener running, you can now create your product and pricing information in the Stripe Dashboard.

Before continuing with this portion of the documentation, make sure you have the following environment variables set in your .env.local file:

# These environment variables are used for Supabase Local Dev
# Get these from Stripe dashboard

Stripe Checkout currently supports pricing that bills a predefined amount at a specific interval. More complex plans (e.g., different pricing tiers or seats) are not yet supported. For example, you can create business models with different pricing tiers, e.g.:

ProductMonthly PriceYearly Price
Hobby10 USD100 USD
Freelancer20 USD200 USD
Pro40 USD400 USD

To speed up the setup, we use a fixtures file utils/stripe/fixtures/stripe-fixtures.json to bootstrap test product and pricing data in your Stripe account. Edit this file according to your products pricing scheme. The Stripe CLI fixtures command executes a series of API requests defined in this JSON file. Simply run pnpm stripe:fixtures.

First go to utils/stripe/fixtures/stripe-fixtures.json and edit the file according to your products pricing scheme.

If you haven't yet, ensure that you are logged in to the stripe CLI in your terminal. bash stripe login Then run the command to have stripe listening to your local environment. Make sure that you have your webhook secret set in your .env.local file. bash stripe listen --forward-to http://localhost:3000/api/webhooks/stripe

Now that you have your products and pricing scheme set up, run the following command to create the products in your Stripe account: bash pnpm stripe:fixtures

Important: Make sure that you've configured your Stripe webhook correctly and redeployed with all needed environment variables.

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